Orquestra de Cambra Catalana

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Música per a la tardor

Capella de l’Esperança, Barcelona
Tradition with a new perspective
from 1986
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Música per a la tardor

Barber / J.S. Bach / Cervelló / Grieg / Dvorak

Marta Arbonés – Soprano
Mireia Puigmal i Stanislav Stepanek – Violins

Orquestra de Cambra Catalana
Joan Pàmies
Capella de l’Esperança, Barcelona

guest Conductors and soloists 2024

The OCC has become one of the cultural initiatives of the country that has allowed us to recover the awareness of what is as intangible as absolutely substantial that is music. And he has done it with special dedication to our music and our musicians. The Catalan Chamber Orchestra is one more of the essential instruments that Catalan society has equipped itself with to constitute the cultured collective with its own personality that it deserves to be.
Miquel M. Badal i Valls
President of Joventuts Musicals de Barcelona
A compact and beautiful sound: The musicians captivated us and allowed themselves to be captivated, making us hold our breath with the terrible and insistent knocks on the door, just as Shostakovich writes in the score [Quartet number 8 in string orchestra version], through a musical expression that surpasses any descriptive intent
Jordi Rossinyol
An excellent finish [Antonin Dvorak, Serenade in E major op. 22] which confirms the good state of the orchestra, which knows how to appeardelicate and tempestuous, robust and at the same time introspective, withoutlosing an iota of warmth or intensity when the music requires it.
Vicent Minguet
Thoroughness, attention to detail, balance and elegant phrasing are virtues that Joan Pàmies never stops exploring with the OCC. He demands his musicians, but explaining what the aesthetic end is and the desired color shade; and they continue to interpret his gestures and his silences because they believe him and know that everything is for the music. For me it has been an honour and a true guarantee to be performed by these musicians and conductor.
Ramón Paús
Paul Valéry said that man's creations are made to be useful or to show their beauty. As an expression of culture, musical creation invokes our senses and allows us to interact with the world. Today we celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the Catalan Chamber Orchestra, an opportunity to value the potential and uniqueness of this formation. For offering us unique proposals, for the rigor, for the subtle and intelligent dialogue and for the sum of talents, we are very grateful to them.
Santi Vila
Culture Advisor. 30 years OCC
The work of disseminating the musical fact, in its different periods, has been carried out giving young performers the opportunity to perform alongside already established names. The OCC has also offered current creators the opportunity to premiere their works, paying attention to the authors of the past. I am pleased to congratulate Joan Pàmies for his teaching and congratulate the musicians of the OCC.
Ferran Mascarell
Culture Advisor. 25 years OCC
